Gard announce 10% Owners General Discount and 4% target premium rise for 2025/26 renewal
Gard have released their 2025/26 renewal circular which targets a 4% premium increase on ETC and reveals a 10% OGD for Members renewing with the Club, thanks to the Club’s continued strong financial position....
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Gard announce 10% Owners General Discount and 4% target premium rise for 2025/26 renewal
Gard have released their 2025/26 renewal circular which targets a 4% premium increase on ETC and reveals a 10% OGD for Members renewing with the Club,...
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American Club announce 7% target rise in premiums for 2025/26
The American Club have announced no GI this year with rates being adjusted based on Member’s records, but subject to a target 7% rise overall for all main...
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Shipowners Club announce nil GI for 2025/26 policy year
The Shipowners Club have bucked the trend of required increases for the 2025/26 policy year becoming the only Club to announce a nil GI. Crucially, the...
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Japan P&I announces 7% GI for owners P&I and chartered entries
JPI have released their 2025/26 renewal circular which details their requirements for a 7% General Increase for their Owners P&I and Charterers Liability...
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Britannia announce 7.5% minimum premium increase and an estimated 12% return on gross premiums
Britannia have now released their 2025/26 renewal circular. A minimum rise in P&I premiums of 7.5%, no minimum rise in FDD announced.
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Swedish Club announce 5% General Increase for 2025/26
The Swedish Club have announced a 5% General Increase for the 2025/26 policy year which puts them very much in the middle of the pack at this renewal.
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London Club announce 5% target rise in P&I and FDD rates
London Club are sticking with their recent target rise approach with their last GI having been imposed on the 2021/22 policy year. For the 2025/26 policy...
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NorthStandard announce 5% General Increase for 2025/26 policy year
Northstandard have announced a 5% GI across P&I and FDD classes for both Mutual and Fixed premium entries. This applies only to their bluewater entries...
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Skuld announce 5% target rise in ETC and 5% Member credit in 2025/26 renewal circular
Skuld have released their 2025/26 renewal circular with a 5% target rise in Estimated Total Call and a 5% Member’s credit being announced.
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West of England announce 5% General Increase for owned mutual P&I entries. Premiums As Expiring for owned mutual FDD entries.
West have released their renewal circular for 2025/26 with the highlights being a 5% GI for owned mutual entries and premiums as expiring for owned mutual...
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UK P&I Club announce 6.5% General Increase for 2025/26 policy year
UK Club have announced a 6.5% general increase for the 2025/26 renewal with the Club referencing a reduction in their own claims, compared to previous...
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Happy New Year !

Here's to another year of opportunies, growth and hard work